Our Moneyball seminar was just the intro. This is the masterclass.

We are confident that our 3 day, on-site, mentoring program will change they way you do business. It did for us. Spend three days with us while we give you the best plays from our very own playbook to success. In the three days you spend with us, you will meet with our ownership, management, and department heads for a deep dive into what you can take home and immediately implement to grow your business. You know the saying, “Can We Fast Forward to the Good Part”…that’s what these three days are like. A time warp past the trial-and-error and missteps that we made, so you can jump right to the good part. Here’s a sample of the topics we can cover, and you can request your own as well:

  • Financials- We will crack open your books and help you build a conservative financial roadmap that will help you be built to last. Payroll, Taxes, Budgets, P&L…the works.

  • Growth- Together, we will evaluate your company’s scale-ability, develop a growth timeline, and talk about how to be built to last.

  • Human Resources- Nothing can be a bigger challenge to your company’s growth than human resources. Let’s chat about hiring the right people, what to pay them, and how to keep them.

  • Marketing- Bring an open mind and get ready for the good stuff. All the strategies we covered on the surface during our seminar? Well, we will get deep, specific and actionable on it all. We will also try to make sure you see one of our live marketing events while you are here.

  • Customer Relationship Management- We will help you turn DJEP or your CRM into a money-making machine. We will help you get automated…it will change your whole life.

  • Logistics and Production- We will help you streamline and master the art of gear maintenance, delivery, and make you believe in the gospel of setup crews.

And this is the tip of the iceberg. Prepare your list of personal challenges and obstacles to success and we will make a plan to help you knock them off.

Ready to take your Company’s next step? Email us and let’s male a plan together.